A first of its kind for South Australia
BusSAfe teaches students how their behaviour directly impacts their safety in and around buses. We talk about school, excursion, and town buses too.
Sessions take 50 minutes to an hour and the ideal group size is two classes. There are videos, role play and discussion in-class.
There is also an outdoor bus inspection to put learning into practice and discover its safety and emergency features.
Who is it for?
- Offered free to public schools in rural and regional South Australia.
- Aimed at students from Reception to Y4.
- Years 5-6 can benefit as they head towards high school too – the messages are universal.
- Metropolitan or private schools – contact us to discuss making BusSAfe work for you.
- Bus operators – if you’d like to learn more, please get in touch via the contact form, or call us.
What do teachers say?
Feedback from schools is uniformly positive. 100% of teachers said BusSAfe is a worthwhile initiative, and some are re-booking this year with a new cohort of students.
The BusSAfe mission
Safety is a shared responsibility, and the bus industry cares about it deeply. Please get involved and help us keep your students safe.
We want to avert the near misses and the incidents. We do not want any more injuries, trauma or lives lost through preventable accidents.
Email: admin@bussafesa.com.au
Let’s look at statistics
Buses are one of the safest transportation modes, but accidents and emergencies can happen. When they do, it is usually through risky behaviour at the bus pickup area or while on the bus.
Between 1989 and 2020, there were 90 fatalities involving buses carrying school-aged children. Half of these fatalities were people not in a vehicle – such as pedestrians and cyclists*. Also, for every reported accident thousands more near-misses go unreported.
*Australian Road Deaths Database (BITRE 2020).
What does risky behaviour look like?
- Not wearing a seatbelt
- Walking in front of the bus
- Crossing the road before a bus pulls away
- Horseplay at the bus stop or pickup area
- Distracting the driver